Hello! Someone recently mentioned that they need their opportunities’ win percentage set to zero whenever it’s marked as lost. Up until now, they were having their sales reps manually update the win percentage. So, I’ve put together a guide on how to build a workflow automation that automatically sets an opp’s win % to 0 when it’s marked as lost.
Note: As of March 2022, Opportunities in the Copper left-hand menu is changing to Pipelines. Click here for more information.
To set up a workflow automation, go to Settings > Automation > Workflow Automation > Add Workflow. Note, you’ll need to be an admin in your Copper system to access this setting.
Once you add a name for your workflow automation, create your Trigger and Action as set in these screenshots:

Make sure you click Save and then turn on your workflow!
If you are new to building workflow automations, check out our other resources here:
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or requests for other guides. Thank you! :)