Note: As of March 2022, Opportunities in the Copper left-hand menu is changing to Pipelines. Click here for more information.
As Opportunities move along the Pipeline it is common that the terms of the commitment adjust along the way. To have a better understanding of those changes and your sales forecast, you will want to track Opportunity value changes.
Within the Opportunity, each one of them has a defaulted value field. This field is used throughout your Copper account for the Opportunity cards, stage sums, and pipeline sum, and this is the value used in the sales forecasting reports. As the value changes during negotiations, you will want to make sure that this field is always the true value and the most up-to-date. (It’s a best practice to make a note in the Opportunity activity feed as to why this was changed and upload any pertinent documents to the files section.)
However, how much has this value changed over time? My solution is to create a custom field to track the original value. In this demo, it is suggested to create a custom field in the currency format that is named “Original Value” so we can use this field to show what the initial value was before negotiations.
To hone in on these changes we will track them in the new Copper Reporting tool by adding a new Insight. Note: Make sure to add the custom field Original Value to the reports and allow for the data refresh to take effect.
For the measures, we will want to track both values:
Sum of Opp Value
Sum of Opp CF Original Value
The Rows will be
Opp Pipeline
Opp Name

Once this Insight is saved into your Reporting Dashboard you have the ability to drill down further by selecting specific date ranges or Pipelines.
Let me know in the comments below if you have found alternative solutions to track Opportunity value changes over time or if you have any questions.