Copper Community
Our community is continuing to grow, with many exciting topics being discussed. If you have not joined already - get online support from our Customer Success team, connect with peers, raise new product ideas and deepen your knowledge of Copper today.
We made improvements to Opportunity list and pipeline load times by only sending the data you need to your browser. This has a big impact on the time it takes to load.
In addition to increased performance over the coming weeks we’ll be introducing improvements to the list view experience
Record Navigation Options From List Views - We’ve made the two options you have for viewing a record from List Views obvious. The full page view now has it’s own icon when you hover over a record. Previously clicking the name would have taken you to the full page view. Clicking anywhere else on the row will show you the preview drawer.
We’re continuing to crush those bugs 🐞 that you’re letting us know about.
Bulk Email: Made a configuration change to email send confirmations quicker. Previosuly there might have been a delay between emails being sent and the confirmation email.
List Views: Fixed an issue where the project template badge was not displaying due to the introduction of the new preview and full page actions.
Reports: Resolved an issue where users navigating to Reports dashboards that no longer exist would see an infinite loading spinner.
Reports: Fixed an issue where some Dashboards were not loading when navigating to Reports
Reports: Resolved an issue where some custom fields metric data was not displaying correctly in Reports
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