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New in Copper: Copper Tasks sync to Google Calendar is here to stay!

  • July 5, 2023
  • 1 reply
New in Copper: Copper Tasks sync to Google Calendar is here to stay!
Jan from Copper
Copper Employee

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that Google was sunsetting their Google Reminders feature. This feature was integral for Copper Tasks to sync to Google Calendar. Without Google Reminders, Copper Tasks could no longer appear on your calendar. 

Over the past few weeks, our team went to work to build and test alternative solutions. We’re happy to say that we found a solution for all of our customers who relied on Copper Tasks syncing to their calendar! 


How does it work?

✅ Copper Tasks with a due date will continue to sync to your Google Calendar, and will show up as a calendar event. Previously, they would show up as a calendar reminder. 

✅ For customers who already have the sync turned on, these events will live in the existing “Copper Reminders” calendar. If you’re a new customer, a custom “Copper Reminders” calendar will be created for you once you turn the sync on. 

✅ Aside from the switch from reminders to events, the sync works the exact same way as the previous sync! 


This update is already live. We hope this helps you out!


1 reply

Michelle from Copper
Copper Employee

@DanThor @srock258 @jason @mhessenauer @Michael Y tagging you because you’ve mentioned the Google Calendar sync before. It will continue to work, with the minor difference of showing up as an “Event” as opposed to a “Reminder.” More details in the post above 👆


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