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Meet Campfire Labs: A creative agency transforming sales processes with automation

Meet Campfire Labs: A creative agency transforming sales processes with automation
Melanie from Copper
Copper Employee

We’re back with a new Copper customer story featuring the formidable team of one — Anna Burgess Yang at Campfire Labs 🚀


Anna joined Campfire Labs in 2021 after working in fintech for 15 years. Her team was small, but mighty 💪 Yet, there was one thing she felt was lacking: automation. Striving to modernize the creative agency’s processes, Anna brought in a new tool: a CRM system. 


Her major focus was automating many of the tasks she had been managing manually, like follow-ups with prospects and clients. Campfire Labs’ free CRM solution at the time wasn’t doing enough to eliminate often repetitive processes. Anna had used Copper in a previous fintech role and knew it was flexible enough to easily fit a creative agency workflow 🎯


Copper’s Chrome extension and email integration were huge selling points. Both features allowed Anna and her team to work more efficiently.


Today, the Campfire Labs team is using Copper to do things like: 

  • Track sales cycles 

  • Receive follow-up reminders

  • Automatically time-block their calendars for proposals

  • Manage renewals

  • Track contacts when they move companies

  • Assign tasks and communicate internally


The team is excited about the different ways they’re using Copper and look forward to doing even more in the future. 


👉 Read the full Campfire Labs story here


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