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Live office hours - Thursdays at 10am PT

  • 20 April 2021
  • 1 reply
Live office hours - Thursdays at 10am PT
Michelle from Copper
Copper Employee


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Office hours every Thursday 10am - 10:45am PST


Bring your questions, chat with other Copper customers or listen in on the discussion! Our weekly office hours is a space to connect with the Copper community and with Copper experts.

This session is led by Chris, who will talk through any and all topics as needed, from setup and customization to reporting and workflow automation. There’s no set agenda, so feel free to suggest a subject or question.

If you have specific questions to tackle, you can bring them to the session or email them in advance. Afterward, we send out a recording and summary of our discussion.

If you’re looking for a more structured learning experience, check out our monthly user training and admin training sessions.

  • New Participant
  • August 25, 2023

Good morning Michelle,

Thanks again for the session yesterday. It was very helpful, but doesn’t really change the situation that we are in. 

I’m reaching out to see if you were able to find out about how refunds work if we  cancel our subscription? Possibly it is a different Copper person I should contact regarding that information?

Thank you very much!


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