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Hey Copper Community! The team has been working hard to bring you an expansive Pipelines experience to help you tackle all of your business needs and engage your customers throughout their journey. We have a few exciting updates rolling out over the coming weeks 🔥These changes increase your efficiency in managing non-revenue engagements like projects, recruitment, and more – plus make it easier than ever to create the right pipelines that work for your business. 

Here’s a rundown on what we’re introducing to Pipelines ⬇️

📣 We cover the entire end-to-end pipeline experience in action during our May Product Pulse webinar: Watch here

Create pipelines tailored to your business with new record types

Managing sales opportunities is only one aspect of your business, so we’ve introduced two additional record types to our Pipeline templates to give you even more flexibility when managing processes outside of sales: Projects and Items. You can also access these when creating a pipeline from scratch.

You can further customize this by going into Settings > Customize > Rename Records and renaming these labels to better fit your business operations. 

As you explore company and people records linked with objects in your pipelines, you’ll now see a related Pipelines section organized by these new record types for a more unified experience across the platform. 

Related “Project” record types in a pipeline will now be stored under a new record type header in your related tab on People and Company records.

If you’d like to customize your existing pipelines further or update the current record types from Opportunities, you can now adjust the Pipeline record type to Item or Project from the pipeline settings on the board view. 

From there:

  1. Click the 3-dot menu
  2. Select “Edit Pipeline”
  3. Choose your desired pipeline record type from the “Pipeline Record Type” dropdown. 

This will update your company and people record related sections for pipelines accordingly as shown above. 

Access the pipeline menu
Select from the pipeline record type dropdown

Manage relationships across pipelines effortlessly with new record duplication functionality

Keep your deals, projects and relationships flowing effortlessly across your entire customer journey with the ability to duplicate pipeline records from one pipeline to another. Wave goodbye to repetitive data entry. When you’re done with a pipeline record in one pipeline, use the duplicate button in the record menu to transition the record to another pipeline with the fields and related People records already populated. You’ll have the opportunity to edit these fields before pushing it to a new pipeline. 

Use the record menu to access the duplicate option
Select “Duplicate”
When you duplicate an opportunity, project or item, all of your pre-configured data will be populated and you’ll have the opportunity to edit this information and select the pipeline you want the new object to live on. 

For even more efficiency, you’ll also have the ability to duplicate a pipeline record from the record “Won” modal. Toggle on the setting to duplicate the record.

Intuitively manage non-revenue pipelines with new statuses

We’re excited to deliver this common customer request as we continue to expand the pipeline experience past sales-focused workflows. Now, when your pipeline is set to “non-revenue” you’ll see alternate pipeline statuses: Open, Won’t Do (instead of Lost), On Hold (instead of Abandoned) and Done (instead of Won). 

If a pipeline record is moved from a non-revenue pipeline to a revenue pipeline or vice versa, the status will be the same but be renamed to match the revenue versus non-revenue setting. 

You and your team will be able to more intuitively manage your pipelines for project workflows and more. 

We’re introducing new statuses for non-revenue pipelines

We hope you enjoy these new pipeline features. Leave your questions or feedback in the comments below ⬇️

Melanie at Copper


These are great changes! Any idea on the timeline for each update?

Excited to see Pipelines becoming more flexible and process-oriented! Big change with the “won/lost/abandoned” ability to rename!

Hi @Sarah M, Our new non-revenue pipeline statuses and the ability to duplicate an opportunity from the record are now available to all customers. The new pipeline record types and the ability to duplicate a record from the “won” module are still rolling out into next week. 

Can you explain why one would want to keep the opportunity in the old pipeline and duplicate it once it’s won? I usually use an automation to move the opportunity to a different pipeline (one for providing the service) once it’s been won. Does this have to do with reporting and statistics about how long opportunities are in different stages, etc? Do you lose that if you move the opportunity (rather than duplicate it with this new feature)?

Hey Sarah M,

Yes, typically that’s the reason why users keep deal records or other types of records in a given pipeline once it’s been closed.  It’s most often used to track a transaction or engagement that occurred at a particular moment in time, that can then be reported on or referenced.

By continuously reusing the same pipeline record object across multiple pipelines, it’s easier to lose that history.  It may not be an issue for some customers based on their business model or internal processes, but for many it starts to cause issues particularly in scenarios where there are too many relationships to remember what transactions historically occurred or when collaborating with teams.

If you have additional questions or comments, let me know!

Kind regards,

I am having difficulty understanding the benefit of duplicating records for my use purpose. Possibly this is done to duplicate a record to a different phase and then you delete the old phase. We own multiple properties in several States. I have hybridized opportunities to use this as a data record for each property so I can link People, Companies, Tasks and Files. It would seem Projects and Items designations would be more helpful if they were in their own category separate from Pipeline/Opportunities. A sample Use for me would be Items would contain my individual property records. I could then possibly link multiple Items, People, and Companies to a Project or an Opportunity. I am discovering more methods in how to use Copper more effectively as I spend more time with the system. 

Hi James,

Glad to hear from you again!  As part of our initiatives later this year, we are planning to support “Relating Pipeline Records to Pipeline Records”.  That way you could easily relate a Pipeline Record that is a “Project” or “Item” (or whatever you rename it to), to an “Opportunity”, that way you could track those relationships and see the history of Pipeline Records.

The benefit of duplicating records is for the convenience of say, a renewal or new sales opportunity with the same client.  Another benefit is supporting the transition from a “Sales Pipeline” to a post-sales “Service Delivery” or “Project Management” pipeline, in the case of a Copper user that sells projects and then needs to deliver the project to a customer.  Does that make sense?  

Let me know if you have additional comments or questions!

Kind regards,